A lot of our customer’s prefer that we get the United States Post Office to deliver our customers message directly into the hands and homes of the locals. What better way to advertise, than to have your message sitting right in front of them on their coffee table, with a full-gloss publication that mails to just the right zip codes?
JH Advertising has connections with many local vendors. Some of our vendors make magazines, coupons, newspapers, and postcards and such; And then mail them to locals. A lot of these vendors have direct mail connections in case you want to design your own mail piece. Some of these products can produce an amazing ROI, as you usually can reach people at a cost of less than 1 penny per home. This type of advertising can be extremely affective if your business is in the center of the demographic to where an existing publication mails to. So if you want to reach our neighbors at their homes, call us today and we will find a reputable local vendor who is mailing in your area.